2 Heart-Touching Teenage Pregnancy Poems

Inspiring poems can give you the strength to deal with this difficult phase.

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Poems are powerful. They help you during times of turmoil and fill your heart with hope. Teenage pregnancy poems could be just what a teenager needs to get through one of the terrifying phases of their lives.

Teenage pregnancy can be scary for the mother-to-be. Teenagers who are pregnant have to deal with immense judgments and emotional struggles. All this can take a toll on them and add to the stress of pregnancy. What happens to their education? How will they raise their baby? What if the parents do not support them? These questions loom over their heads, causing worry. Poetry can be a saving grace in such situations. Keep scrolling as we have compiled some of the best poems that can offer them comfort.

2 Heart-Touching Teenage Pregnancy Poems:

1. A Cry To Parents:

The girl in the poem laments that had her mother discussed sex with her; she wouldn’t have to go through this phase. Her mother never taught her how to deal with the advances of the opposite sex. Neither did she teach her about protection and contraception. Her mother neglected her, which in a way, made her get attached to the boys who complimented her. But little did she know that those compliments were not genuine.

This teen pregnancy poems raises the important factors regarding the causes of teen pregnancy like neglect and considering sex as taboo. Too many parents these days do not talk about sex with their children, leaving them to learn about it the wrong way, which often results in teenage pregnancy.

“Mommy I’m pregnant

And I know you may be angry

But before you hit me

Or start to judge me

Take a minute and listen

Pay attention to me.

Mommy, you never taught me about sex

Or how to deal with the advances of the opposite sex

Never said a word about condoms.

I don’t even know the meaning of contraception

Far less for conception.

Mommy, the boys on the block made me feel good,

Saying things that you and dad never would.

Spoke to me in ways that I had never heard:

Told me I was beautiful, told me I was nice

Mommy, they complimented my sense of style.

Why didn’t you do it too mommy?

Why, oh why?

And now I am with child.

This fetus grows in my belly

The thought of teenage pregnancy overwhelms me,

But I promise my baby to do better

To talk to her, to love her.

I won’t neglect her like you did me,

I hope you also pass my message to daddy.

Times when I wanted his love and attention,

Instead, he spent hours watching the television

All I wanted was an occasional hug and kiss,

To live in a house full of blessings and bliss.

You taught me to talk but never talked to me,

You taught me to walk but never walked with me.

I still want to say I’m sorry,

Sorry for this teenage pregnancy.

But now, I want you to talk to my little sister,

Because she’s growing up even faster.

She’s already getting the attention of the boys;

Mommy, don’t let her fall for their silly ploys.

She’s wearing seductive clothes, putting on so much make up,

She’s so busy to grow up.

I hope she isn’t as naïve as me,

Boys will definitely take advantage,

Because she looks a lot older than her age.

Mommy, talk to her please!

Don’t let her make the same mistake as I did

Speak to her about the birds and the bees.

It’s too late for me now,

But save her mommy, save her somehow,

Mommy, please act quick

She’s already talking about *** and ***.

Mommy, before I leave

Know that from now on I will do better

And though I may have lost your honor

I hope it passes to my son or daughter.

Mommy although you had some part to play

I don’t blame you for this, no way!

I will tell my child how you loved me,

And how you showered blessings upon me.

There will be no resentment in my family

Not the type I got from you and daddy.

Motherhood awaits me and although I’m unprepared,

You’ve shown me what not to do.

So mommy, with a heavy heart, I say Thank You…”

2. Young And Confused:

“Young and Confused” is a thoroughly realistic poem highlighting the struggles of a teen mother. It illustrates how the life of a young and ambitious girl changes after giving birth to a child. With no one beside her, she has to take care of the baby all by herself.

Emotional disturbances, mood swings and pressure from people make her irritable. And then there is no job and money. How will she take care of the baby? How will she feed him? There are other needs and requirements too! All she wants to do now is sit down and cry. But crying is not going to help.

The poem ends with a word of warning. Do not have sex at a young age, unless you’re sure that it’s true love.

“Young and confused, not enough food,

babies at home crying,

mommy feels like dying.

Her life seems to always change around,

she feels like she’s on a roller coaster about to dip down.

Lonely and depressed,

never gets enough rest.

Having no job,

all she wants to do is sob.

Was this all a mistake?

or is it a risk she wants to take?

Life as a teen mom came out so wrong,

she thought she would be a singer and one day produce a song.

Reality finally struck her like lightning in the sky,

and she began to realize,

The only thing she will hear to sleep is her babies midnight cries.

This is real and this is her life,

although she’s only 16 and not trying to be a WIFE.

Beside all the baby drama,

she always fights with her momma,

Her own mother won’t be there,

and her father doesn’t even care.

Aside from this, she has no MONEY

all she has in her cabinets, is expired HONEY.

She’s young and BEAUTIFUL, but then again POOR,

remember she’s only a TEEN; she’s 16 at war.

How do you prevent this? Why are you asking me?

Were only here to tell you, not to have sex at 16,

to all the girls, and boys TOO!

don’t have sex until you know you’re TRUE.”

[ Read: Health Risks Of Teenage Pregnancy ]

Society should try and be a bit sympathetic towards the pregnant teens. They already have an enormous burden, and pressure from people are making life even more, difficult for them.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you motivate a pregnant teenager?

Here are a few motivating things that you can say to a pregnant teenager:

  • You can get through this
  • It is a new beginning
  • You are stronger than you think
  • We are always there to support you
  • Your future now holds more happiness and joy

2. How can I help my pregnant teenager?

All a teenage girl who’s pregnant needs is moral support and affection from her near and dear ones. You can extend your support to her by:

  • Try and understand her feeling during this time
  • Do not shout or react angrily toward her
  • Show her that you are there to support her
  • Respect her choices and decisions
  • Make her feel comfortable and care for her needs

We hope these poems provide solace to the teen moms. If you have some other teenage pregnancy poems to share with us, then drop us a comment below!

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