Relationship Problems – How Does Meditation Help Solve Them?

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Meditation is an excellent way to improve your relationships. Are you wondering how sitting by oneself with closed eyes can improve and strengthen relationships?

It does! And research proves it too. Luckily for you, we have wonderful advice mentioned below that unmasks how meditation tackles relationship problems.

Relationships are reasons for great joy. And an equal amount of pain if they are not dealt with well. If you want to avoid the pain and better your relationships, meditation is the perfect solution. Stay put and read on to find out how.

Let’s first discuss some common relationship problems before finding out how practicing meditation solves them.

Common Relationship Problems 

  1. Attention Deficit
  2. Impatience
  3. Expectations
  4. Fear Of Opening Up
  5. Blame Game

1. Attention Deficit

Not paying enough attention to your partner is blasphemy. Listening to your partner and paying attention to what he/she says solves most of the problems in a relationship.

The problem arises when you do not do something, which makes your partner feel less loved, and from there, you go downhill.

You need to look at your partner, listen to him and understand him well. You must be attentive to his needs, moods, and feelings – it’s the only way to nurture a long-lasting relationship.

[ Read: 11 Effective Home Remedies To Cure Attention Deficit Disorder ]

2. Impatience

Being impatient and assuming the worst spells doom on your relationship. Instead of calmly sitting down and resolving a conflict, if you get angry and shout, it is no good.

Learn to calm down and have the challenging discussion. Sit down with the hope that you will find a solution for it and that both of you will get through this. Be focused and positive.

3. Expectations

Expectations are scary in relationships if they are only increasing and ever demanding. Don’t be too greedy. Do not have highly impossible expectations from your partners. Remember, they are human too and not divine creatures with multiple hands and legs.

Stop being overly critical. Understand that nobody is perfect. Accept your partner for who he/she is instead of who you want him/her to be. Be more accommodating and understanding.

4. Fear Of Opening Up

Being stoic and firm does not improve your relationship in any way. It nullifies the whole point of a relationship and makes your partner feel left out.

Do not be afraid to open up and share your dreams and nightmares with your partner. It only makes your bond grow stronger when you see them understanding your problems and supporting you in your endeavors.

5. Blame Game

Assuming that every problem occurs due to your partner’s fault is childishness. It is absolute immaturity, and you end up jeopardizing your relationship because of your foolishness.

Do not try to escape your faults by blaming your partner for everything. Instead, have a mature discussion and realize the cause of the issue. Learn to see your faults.

So, those, my friend, are some common mistakes we all make in relationships. I am sure you connected to all of them. Now, let’s find out how meditation trains you to fix them.

Meditation For Relationship Problems – How It Fixes

  1. Creates Awareness
  2. Brings Contentment
  3. Propagates Self-Love
  4. Teaches Forgiveness
  5. Develops Gratitude
  6. Spreads Positivity

1. Creates Awareness

Meditation helps you become more aware of who you are, what you need, and your surroundings. It also helps you to understand your partner better, and when you do so, you connect with them better.

When you recognize your partner as a soul and look beyond them as mere bodies and personalities, you will realize the importance of their existence and what they mean to you. When that happens, you develop deep respect, and this solves all your problems with them.

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2. Brings Contentment

2. Brings Contentment
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Meditation makes you content. You will no longer feel that your partner needs to do more for you. You will be happy with what you have got and understand the joy in giving instead of always demanding.

You are thankful for your partner’s presence in your life and do not take him for granted or order or expect him to do more and more for you. Through meditation, you realize the faults and become content with what you have.

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3. Propagates Self-Love

3. Propagates Self-Love
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Meditation helps you love and respect yourself well. When you are indulgent with yourself and value your needs, you tend to do the same with your partner.

Self-love brings peace and happiness, which allows you to be more loving, caring, and compassionate with your partner, improving the quality of the relationship multifold.

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4. Teaches Forgiveness

4. Teaches Forgiveness
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Meditation teaches you to forgive and not hold grudges. If you are stuck up and do not relent, there is no way you can build a relationship of mutual love and trust.

Meditation trains you to heal and move forward in your relationship instead of nitpicking about the past. It helps you nurture a relationship instead of breaking it off because of small issues.

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5. Develops Gratitude

5. Develops Gratitude
Image: Shutterstock

Meditation helps you develop a positive perspective towards life and feel grateful for what it offers to you. In the process, you learn to respect and feel gratitude towards your partner instead of taking them for granted.

Gratitude is a sign of long-term love because without it, you will tend to consistently point out the flaws in your partner and put them down for it.

Instead, with gratitude, you praise them for their positives and make them feel loved and appreciated. That deepens and strengthens your bond with your partner.

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6. Spreads Positivity

6. Spreads Positivity
Image: Shutterstock

Meditation makes you a better person and brings out the best in you. It makes you more focused, creative, and productive. In general, it keeps you cheerful and helps you connect better with your partner.

Meditation fills you with positive emotions, making you more open and approachable to others. Staying positive strengthens your feelings towards your partner, and you feel more connected to them.

[ Read: 7 Partner Yoga Asanas You Should Try ]

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Now that you know how to improve relationship, let’s answer some common queries on meditation and relationships.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

How often do I practice meditation?

Practice meditation at least once a day for about 15- 20 minutes.

Can I practice meditation with my partner?

Yes, you can. That way, you can encourage each other not to skip the practice and track the progress together.

Meditation is a boon. Seriously, it is. Especially when it comes to relationships, it is the best therapy, advice, and support you can get to maintain and improve relationships. It even builds strong and long-lasting bonds that enhance you as a person. So, have you ever considered meditation for relationship problems? How did it help you? Share your experience with us by leaving a comment below.

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