7 Basic Yoga Asanas That Will Help You Beat Constipation

Written by , BA Shirin Mehdi BA Experience: 3 years
Last Updated on

At the risk of sounding unladylike, when the pressure is there, but you fail to do the big job, it is dissatisfying. What is worse is the nagging stomachache and mild headache that follow. Constipation can be quite annoying, especially if it becomes an everyday thing. Most people tend to take constipation lightly. Some might think it is a disease, but in fact, it is only a symptom. A symptom of an incredibly serious problem, if not treated on time.

What Is Constipation?

When your bowel movements are irregular, your stomach is bloated and strained. If this is not taken care of, it leads to pelvic diseases. If the problem is spotted in time and treated, there is no reason to worry.

Different people perceive constipation differently. While some consider it to be merely untimely stools, others call it so when it is a passage of hard stools. Well, whatever the case may be, the bottom-line is an unhealthy lifestyle.

Why Does Constipation Happen?

Constipation is more of a lifestyle disorder. When you tend to drink less water or have too much of junk food, you end up being constipated. Also, stress, fewer hours of sleep, and inappropriate hours of work only add to the problems. Thanks to fast food, our intake of green leafy vegetables, fibrous food, and fresh fruits has reduced, and this plays a huge part in causing constipation.

How Yoga Helps Relieve Constipation?

Yes! It is true. If you don’t nip constipation in the butt (all puns intended) while there is time, it will lead to a bigger and more severe stomach disorder. But there is always hope, and yoga is a great option.

Yoga invigorates your body and helps to increase blood flow and oxygen supply in the system. Most postures in yoga involve the movement of the pelvis, and this greatly helps in reducing constipation.

Prevention is always better than cure, and all it will take is a few asanas every day. They will take care of the infrequent bowel movements and also reduce bloating and straining of the stomach. Here is all about yoga and constipation that you should know.

[ Read: 25 Best Foods That Make You Poop ]

Top 7 Asanas In Yoga For Constipation Relief

  1. Pawan muktasana
  2. Baddha Konsana
  3. Halasana
  4. Ardha Matsyendrasana
  5. Mayurasana
  6. Balasana
  7. Supta Matsyendrasana

1. Pawanmuktasana

Pawanmuktasana literally means Gas Releasing Pose. Those suffering from constipation also have a whole lot of gas trapped in their system. Practicing this pose regularly helps cure many digestive disorders like dyspepsia and acid refluxes caused by indigestion.

To know more about this asana, click here: Complete Guide To Pawanmuktasana

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2. Baddha Konsana

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When you add a forward bend to the Cobbler Pose, it helps to stimulate and heal the digestive system. Gas, bloating, and cramping are relieved. Practicing this pose also contributes to reduce stress, which also aids in proper digestion.

To know more about this asana, click here: Complete Guide To Baddha Konasana

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3. Halasana

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The Halasana or the Plow Pose is a comforting pose for those plagued by constipation. It massages the intestines, and therefore, removes all the toxins from it. This asana is considered an inversion. Hence, it enhances blood circulation in the pelvic area. This gives digestion a good boost.

To know more about this asana, click here: Complete Guide To Halasana

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4. Ardha Matsyendrasana

Image: Shutterstock

When you assume the Ardha Matsyendrasana, it massages the kidneys, spleen, pancreas, stomach, liver, and colons. This not only detoxes the area but also helps improve the bowel movements, thereby relieving constipation.

To know more about this asana, click here: Complete Guide To Ardha Matsyendrasana

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5. Mayurasana

Image: Shutterstock

At the outset, the Mayurasana or the Peacock Pose improves digestion and negates the effects of unhealthy food. This asana also increases the intra-abdominal pressure, which, in turn, reduces the enlargement of the liver and spleen. This asana tones the bowels and regulates its movements too.

To know more about this asana, click here: Complete Guide To Mayurasana

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6. Balasana

Image: Shutterstock

The Balasana or the Child’s Pose is a resting pose. It calms and de-stresses the whole body, including the abdominal organs. If you look closely, the asana entails a fold at the abdomen that massages the digestive organs too. Therefore, digestion and bowel movements are improved. This is an extremely effective non-twisting pose that aids in relieving constipation.

To know more about this asana, click here: Complete Guide To Balasana

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7. Supta Matsyendrasana

Image: Shutterstock

Supta Matsyendrasana is one of the most effective yoga poses for constipation relief. This asana is a perfect combination of a twist and a resting pose. It helps greatly in relieving constipation. While the gentle twist helps to remove the waste, enhances the circulation of blood in the gut, and allows the food to travel smoothly, it also relaxes the body and relieves the tension trapped in the abdomen.

To know more about this asana, click here: Complete Guide To Supta Matsyendrasana

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Have you ever considered yoga for constipation problem? The more you worry, the more you will be constipated. These few asanas are extremely easy to do, and will take only about 15 minutes of your day. The best part is that you will get almost instant relief. A healthier digestive system calls for a happier you! While yoga cleans up and regulates the inside of your system, make sure you add enough water, fibrous foods, fruits, veggies, and green leafy vegetables in your diet. You will totally forget what constipation feels like!


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Shirin Mehdi
Shirin MehdiHealth & Wellness Writer
Shirin is a health and wellness writer with three years of experience and specializes in writing articles on yoga and has extensive knowledge about the postures of the asanas. Prior to joining Stylecraze, she interned with an advertising firm as a copywriter and as an editorial intern for a luxury fashion magazine.

Read full bio of Shirin Mehdi
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