12 Cute Things To Do With Your Date

Written by Bhavna Panda
Last Updated on

Grabbing a cup of coffee together or going out to dinner is something that everyone does on a date. While it is important to connect and have conversations, the same ol’ routine can get boring. So if you are looking to get creative with how you spend time with your date and have fun while at it, you can try out something along the lines of these.

1. A Picnic

If the weather is great, nothing could be more romantic than a picnic. It allows you to relax and enjoy the sun, all in the company of your date.

2. Get Your Portrait Painted

Your Portrait Painted
Image: Shutterstock

Getting a painting done of you and your date is much more personal and intimate than a photograph. You can have street artists and caricaturists paint you, or if you’re staying in, you can paint portraits of each other.

3. Karaoke To Cheesy Love Songs

Cheesy Love Songs
Image: Shutterstock

A lot of clubs have karaoke nights, but you can have your own personal singing competition if you have a karaoke machine. Even if you don’t, there are plenty of apps available that you can use. You can keep it heartwarming, or go bonkers with cheesy songs.

4. Cook A Meal Together

Meal Together
Image: Shutterstock

Rather than going out to a restaurant, you can try preparing a meal together. If neither of you is domesticated enough, you can always take a cooking class and learn a new skill.

5. Build A Campfire

Build A Campfire
Image: Shutterstock

Cozy up to your date next to a fireplace, or build a campfire outside. Spend an evening by the fire, and talk and laugh until there is nothing but embers left.

6. Take A Dance Class

Take A Dance Class
Image: Shutterstock

Tango, salsa, waltz – when it comes to dancing for couples, the options to explore are plenty. Dance classes give your date and you the chance to try out something new and fun.

7. Hit The Amusement Park

The Amusement Park
Image: Shutterstock

Carnivals and amusement parks were fun as a kid, and they are still fun even when you grow up. Riding the rollercoaster together, or winning a prize at the game for your date – the scope of having a great time is limitless.

8. Watch A Scary Movie

Watch A Scary Movie
Image: Shutterstock

At the theater or on your couch, switch from the usual romantic comedies to something scary. And you’ll have the perfect excuse to snuggle up to your date.

9. Play Truth Or Dare

Truth Or Dare
Image: Shutterstock

Truth or Dare might be a relic from your high school days, but this can help you have so much fun and discover new things about each other.

10. Gaze At The Stars

Gaze At The Stars
Image: Shutterstock

Well, this only works if the night is cloudless, but star gazing can be incredibly romantic. Whether you are holding hands or figuring out constellations, the night sky can work its magic in bringing you closer.

11. Take A Walk On The Beach

Walk On The Beach
Image: Shutterstock

A walk on the beach might be a cliché, but it is still one of the most romantic things you can do on a date.

12. Go For A Long Drive

A Long Drive
Image: Shutterstock

The confined space of a car becomes intimate when you’re in the company of the one you like. With the road spread ahead of you, you have all the time to talk, sing along to songs, and play silly car games.

While what you do on your date is important, who you are doing it with is far more so. Talk, communicate, and don’t be afraid to get a little silly. Your date will love you for it.

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