11 Makeup Tips For Asian Women

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Asian women are such classic beauties! They have extremely beautiful petite frames, flawless butter smooth skin, silky straight dark hair and lovely facial features. Enhance all these qualities and they remind of dolls!

Here are some makeup tips for Asian women.

Makeup Tips for Asian Women

If you have similar patterns, feel free to adapt them in your make up routine. I promise you’ll look all the more gorgeous!
Basics first,

1. Foundation:

asian women make upAccording to expert Bobbi Brown, yellow based foundations look fantastic on Asian skin tones. They settle in like second skin and even out any blemishes.

2. Eye liner:

Asian women have super adorable eyes which go perfectly well with their petite frames. To make your eyes look larger and fuller, always apply eye liner. Go with the natural shape of your eyes. Line the upper lids and if you want to line the lower lids, then make sure it’s soft and smudged to give a blended look

asian women eye make up tips

3. Eye Shadow:

eyeshadow tips for asian eyesSource: makeuppedia.com

Play up your eyes because they can be made subtle or bold easily. Deep jewel tones look gorgeous. Go for colors like greens, blue, purples and teal. Always make sure you blend the eye shadow perfectly and there are no odd lines showing up.

You can also use a nice, bold, thick swipe of a creamy eye shadow for a liner and look fantastic!

[ Read: Top 20 Gorgeous Asian Women ]

4. Blush:

blush tips face shapeA blush will make you look au naturel. Opt for pinks and corals to look like the innocent damsel that you are!

5. Eye brows:

eyebrow tips and tricksSource: look-fabulous.com

Eye brows can make or break a look. Always always keep your brows groomed and neat. Fill up sparse brows.

6. Lip colour:

Select lip colors which won’t clash with your skin tone or they will wash you out. If you are going for a heavier eye makeup, keep the lips nude. If you want a rich, Look-at-me lip color, keep the eyes simple. The cardinal rule of makeup applies here too

7. Eye lashes:

Who doesn’t like to bat eye lids and look all coy? Make your eye lashes look super awesome with loads of mascara. Make sure you use a non clumping one and also use an eye lash curler. It makes a world of difference.


false eyelashes before and afterSource: vanityrooms.net
These, my friend, all your best friends! If you have tiny eye lashes, just back them up with falsies. It will give your doll face a lot more cuteness.

Moving on,

8. How to handle large forehead?

Get the infamous fringes; they’ll take negate the largeness of your forehead. If it still bothers you, wise use of bronzer on each of your temples will sort the issue out.

9. How do I plump up thin lips?

Easy peasy! Use a light colored lipstick with shimmer or top it up with gloss. Apply some highlighter in the centre of the lips. And you are done! Let the pouting begin!
Dark lipsticks make your lips look narrower and thinner. SO if you want to slim down your lips, color them up with darker shades.

10. How to make my nose look thinner?

Apply some contouring shade on each side of your nose and blend in. Highlight down the centre of your nose and you are all good

11. How do I make my cheekbones stand out?

Simple! Just use a darker shade to the hollows and highlighter to the top of the cheek bone. Apply blush normally as you do and say hello to obvious cheek bones 😉
Always use a primer because it helps to deal better with oily skin. Like foundations, powders and correctors in yellow tones will suit Asian women makeup.

Have your tips? Shoot a comment and let me know!  Stay gorgeous, stay inspired 

All other images where no source has been mentioned are taken from orble.com. 

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